How To Register For IPPIS Data Capture And Verification Online Registration via


How To Register For IPPIS Data Capture And Verification - PPIS is a Department within the Office of the Accountant-General of the Federation responsible for payment of workers salaries and wages directly to Government employee’s bank account with appropriate deductions and remittances of 3rd party payments such as the Federal Inland Revenue Service, National Health Insurance Scheme, State Boards of Internal Revenue, National Housing Fund,Trade Unions Dues, Pension Fund Administrator, Cooperative Societies, Association Dues and Bank Loans.

How To Register For IPPIS Data Capture And Verification Online Registration

For you to successfully complete the IPPIS data capture and verification online registration, you are required to follow the steps listed below;
  1. Visit  to Login to IPPIS account
  2. Enter IPPIS Number
  3. Now Enter Your Registration Token
  4. Enter Captcha Text shown in the above picture for verification then;
  5. Click on "Login" to proceed to next step and follow the steps thereafter.
Additional Information

In case you forget or misplaced your IPPIS Registration Token, dont panic. I will show you how to re-generate it back.
  • Click "Generate Token"
  • Enter your IPPIS Number
  • Enter your EMAIL ADDRESS
  • Fill in your registered PHONE NO and then hit "GENERATE TOKEN"
  • At this point, you should get response from the IPPIS website on your Token status.

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