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This Nigerian Professor Insists He Has The Cure For HIV/AIDS, See more

In spite of the growing concerns by some sections in Nigeria over the claims of a cure for the dreaded Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV/AIDS) that have for years eluded erudite scientists all over the world. ...

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Man discovered complete cure for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria

Man discovered complete cure for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria The Federal Government has mandated the National Institute for Medical Research and the College of Medicine, Ibadan to do proper study of the two claims to HIV cure in the country. Man discovered complete cure for HIV/AIDS in Nigeria The Federal Government has mandated the National Institute for Medical Research and the College of Medicine,...

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Ulcer medication

ulcer medication - Best medications for ulcer patients Read here to get the best knowledge of the best medicine that can be used to treat and ulcer patients. They are lots of drugs that you take that don’t help out and some of them do try to help some time, you have been spending all your cash in other to get out of the...

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Tips for ulcer patients to stay healthy

Tips for ulcer patients to stay healthy Follow all the tips I will show you right away and you will be a better healthier person, you know ulcer is a very dangerous sickness and its one of the thing that makes man lose some tones of Weight in just few week. So if you ever wanted to get back follow the below tips...

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Fruits that is good for ulcer patients

Fruits that is good for ulcer patients If you ever get to the doctor and you was told that you just got ulcer you will deeply not know the right fruits to lay your hands on until the doctor says so, but what if the doctors is available at all time direct you. Here am going to show you some of the fruits...

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Foods to avoid with ulcers – Worst foods to avoid with an ulcer

Foods to avoid with ulcers – Worst foods to avoid with an ulcer Are you the type that eats all whole lot food just in the name of hungry, then it’s time to stop and follow the best ulcer tips to stay healthy. Avoiding some food could actually go a long way helping you fix up your health in just few weeks to...

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What is good for ulcers? These are food good for ulcers

 What is good for ulcers? These are food good for ulcers Some foods are not worth spending to get them, but the one I will show you right now will defiantly worth your expensive, because they help in making you get back to your fit in just a little period of time. Eating all the  Food for ulcer patients  is the best way...

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Best way to quit smoking

With so numerous choices on the market for programs, pills and treatments to help you kick the habit. How can you tell which is the best method to use? How can people understand what the most productive procedures are to help you stop fuming?   The good report is that the United States public health services have reconsidered the scientific publications on ways to...

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Things that Girls Need to Know About Growing Up

certain thing comical is going on. More young women are on diets and more young women are overweight than ever before. Let's face it, numerous of us have a tortured connection with food. But not admiration your body  and not being able to enjoy food without guilt takes the joy out of life. You can breeze up feeling bad most of the time,...

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Top 10 Foods for wholesome Hair

Peak 10 Foods for wholesome Hair or top 10 Foods for wholesome Hair. Better-looking hair can start at your next meal. Just like every other part of your body, the units and methods that support strong, vibrant hair depend on a balanced diet, It can take longer to observe changes (both good or bad!) in your hair than in your skin. For demonstration,...

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Ways to Lose Fat | How to brun fat

If you are looking for ways to Lose Fat,then you have read through this.Here’s help getting a handle on your fat. Even if you have a rock-hard pack of abs, you still have belly fat. And how much flab you have around your middle has a large-scale impact on your health. Here’s help getting a handle on your belly fat. Location, Location, Location...

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Why garden eggs is good for ulcer patients

Unlabelled » Why garden eggs is good for ulcer patients Written by Sade Oguntola Thursday, 26 May 2011 Garden egg (Solanum melongena) is the fruit in season and for its lovers having steamed yam and stew made with garden egg is a delight. The benefits of eating garden eggs however extend far beyond ensuring that one’s desire for a good breakfast is satisfied. From...

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