Meaning of a filed work | example of a filed work | Field experience


Meaning of a filed work | example of a filed work  | Field experience
The field experience is a required component for all students in Ebonyi State University especially in department of human kinetic and health education.
Field experience provides students in health education with practical experience in the professional duties and responsibilities as a health education field experience allows student to apply and incorporate skills and knowledge that they have acquired during their didactics.
Therefore, the primary purpose of the field experience is to help students learn how to apply theory and principles to work situations and to develop and expand professional skills and competencies essential to these tasks. It is intended to help students explore areas of interest and affords the opportunity to become acquainted with agencies, community groups, institution commonly engaged in health education and behavioral change program. Hence field experience is a valuable educational tool that gives an in-depth look inside an institution or community.
In all institutions or community there are many kinds of behaviour that promise health, prevent illness and help in the cure and rehabilitation of sick people. These kinds of behaviour should be identified and encouraged. In fact it is usually the positive, healthy results of such behaviors that encourage people to continue with them.
These are also behaviour that is harmful to health, because of the unhealthy results of such behaviour, people often give it up by themselves through health education.
Therefore health education uses a variety of methods to help people understand their own situations and choose actions that will improve their health.
Health education is incomplete unless it encourages involvement and choice by the people themselves for example merely telling people to follow “good health behaviour” is not health education.

Also, in health education we do not blame people if they do not behave in healthy way. Often unhealthy behaviour is not the fault of individual. In health education we must work with families, community’s institutions and even regional and national authorities to make sure that resources and support are available to enable each individual to live a healthy life. 

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